What is Print Friendly, how can it assist you in generating leads and while putting in all that effort is it worth my time? Inside this blog post, I am going to answer that question and on top of that provide you with some food for thought and an opportunity to get the real skinny.
Print Friendly is a Chrome extension that allows users to easily print web pages in a way that is more printer-friendly. With Print Friendly, users can remove unwanted content from web pages, such as advertisements and sidebars, before printing. This can save users time, ink, and paper, as they no longer have to print unnecessary content.
One of the standout features of Print Friendly is the ability to customize which elements of a web page are included in the printed version. Users can select which images and text they want to include or exclude, as well as choose to include or exclude entire sections of the page. This level of customization makes it easy for users to create a printout that only includes the information they need, rather than wasting paper on unnecessary content.
In addition to its customization options, Print Friendly also offers several formatting options to help users create a professional-looking printout. Users can choose from a variety of fonts, font sizes, and margins to create a document that looks exactly the way they want it to. They can also add a header or footer to the document, which can be helpful for adding page numbers or a title to the printout.
Another great feature of Print Friendly is its ability to save web pages as PDF files. This is especially useful for users who want to save a copy of a web page for later reference, or who need to share a web page with others but don't want to send a link. With the PDF export feature, users can easily create a portable document that can be opened on any device with a PDF viewer.
Now, Print Friendly is a valuable tool for anyone who frequently prints web pages. Its customization and formatting options make it easy to create professional-looking printouts that only include the content users need, and the ability to save web pages as PDF files is a convenient bonus.
Now here comes the good part. If you are just getting started and you funds a tight, you can utilize this gem to make perfectly wonderful lead magnetics of your most popular posts. Now, this is not the first article written about utilize Print Friendly in this manner. Most guru's will tell their students to try this system once, and they are hooked because of the leads acquired while trying other strategies for build their lists.
Not to burst your bubble, but there is a Word Press plugin that preforms all of this on the fly and more, all the while generating a e-mailable pdf on demand. The product is going to cost you an arm and a leg, but really worth the little bit of your sanity if you decide to go all day at generating pdf blog posts. Frankly, I find the process exhilarating and refreshing.
Tip: The contents of a blog post inside a formatted PDF is good, but to get more traffic from your efforts, add more links that loop back to your products and services. Be sure to also educate those that do download your Blog Post PDF, while mine is called Blog Post Hot Shot, its about products that you have created. Link back to educational information courses are the best. Connect two are more blog post PDF, its an encouragement to not only read another one but the potential for the prospect to end up on a second list which means a second chance for making a sale.
Are you ready for some real action? Because if you are, somewhere on this page is a buy button or a learn more button. Don't hesitate to click that button, you will be glad you did.
Get my Blog Post Hot Shot. Its where I explain how I make my entire traffic system inside a PDF that I use to get leads but also generate pure and ripe recycled and re educated traffic. Its one of those old tactics that has been around for a long time, but not advertised as much. Don't hesitate, click the download button, the buy button or the learn more button - this success formula may just get tucked away for a month at a time to ensure it does not get over download over saturated.

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